Saturday, June 12, 2010


I'm just sayin', I was raised a country boy and we always had ducks on the farm.  Funny them ducks, to watch and play with.  If we had stale bread we would take it and get it soggy in water, toss it to the ducks and watch them snap it up, quackin' like crazy for more.  Now the downside of ducks is that they is quite prolific in creating lawn fertilizer, if you catch my drift.

Well, as a lad I never wore shoes on the farm in the summer, even if I was lucky enough to have some that year.  An occasional honey bee would take note of this and end its life on one of my toes.  Bad as that sounds, there's nothing much worse than stepping on warm duck doody and having it squish up between bare toes.  It's kinda the same feeling I get now when a democrater guvmint person says they're gonna help me out, which normally means they're helping themselves.  I'm just sayin'...

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