Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm Just Sayin' - Tiger Woods

Seems the world's best golfer is tryin' to get back in the good graces.  Now, I didn't give it a lot of listen, but from what I know, this Tiger guy was sayin' he was talking to and asking for forgiveness from his family and friends.  That being so, I'm mightily confused why it was on the TV machine and being broadcast out to around 4 billion humans or so, give or take a few millions.

I'm just sayin', seems to me he coulda done what he wanted in the living room of any of his mansions.  My bet, and I'm not a betting man, is that he's just posturing to get back in the good graces of the PGA and all those sponsors who've been shunnin' him.  Elsewise, why all the hullabaloo?

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